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Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a time.

Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a time.

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Why Martial Arts?

Why Martial Arts?

In the last 10 years, the Sports Coaching industry has exploded.

Many schools now use external sports coaches to teach their P.E. Lessons.

Martial Arts is one of the key sports that is still fairly uncommon in most school environments.

Despite Martial Arts being one of the best activities for your pupils in terms of building characteristics such as coordination, self-discipline, self-esteem and improving their all round fitness.

The main reason for this is, Sports Coaches aren’t qualified to teach Martial Arts.

This is where Future Champions Martial Arts Coaching comes into it’s own.

Martial Arts Instructing is my profession and my passion.

I’ve spent my life learning Martial Arts and continue to play an active role in both teaching, training and competing.

About Us

About Us

My name is Tom Baxter I'm a 3rd Dan Black belt in Taekwon-do and have been training for 25 years. I have 15 years teaching experience, 11+ of these spent running my own Taekwon-do school whilst also working with the

Inclusive England Taekwon-do squad.

I’ve spent the last 4 years gaining experience bringing Martial Arts in to Schools before starting my own coaching company to allow me to offer this to more schools!

FAQ Bubble Icon

Are you qualified?

Are you qualified?

Yes! I’m a 3rd Dan Black Belt within Taekwon-do and have been an Instructor for 11 years running my own school. I also have a Level 2 qualification in Coaching Martial Arts as well as numerous other qualifications built around being an Instructor and coach.

I’m also a qualified Teaching Assistant with 3 years experience of working as an SEN TA in primary schools before I began teaching Taekwon-do full time.

What services do you provide?

What services do you provide?

I can work to whatever you may be looking for.

Interested in giving your students a new experience?

I can do this by running PE sessions which can be tailored to meet curriculum aims and objectives.

I can also run after school clubs for your pupils to provide you with something new and exciting for your after school provision!

What about First Aid/Insurance

Safeguarding Training and DBS Check?

What about First Aid/Insurance

Safeguarding Training and DBS Check?

I hold a regularly updated Emergency First Aid at Work Qualification, regularly updated Safeguarding training, a regularly updated Enhanced DBS Check and Insurance specifically for teaching Martial Arts in Schools.

What about 1:1 work?

What about 1:1 work?

Martial Arts has lots of benefits for students that may experience difficulties. Not only are Martial Arts great for building confidence and self-esteem whilst improving self worth but the self discipline is also really helpful for students who may need to work on their focus.

I’ve got 2 years experience of working as an England Coach for the Inclusive Taekwon-do Squad where I regularly work with Children with SEN.

What areas do you cover?

What areas do you cover?

I cover the South West of England, including Bristol, Bath and surrounding areas. I also cover South Wales, Chepstow, Newport and surrounding areas.

All of our Martial arts based Physical Education packages are tailor written for your specific needs.

This means your students are getting the most out of their lesson's whilst keeping the costs as low as possible to you.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with any further questions or enquiries.


Phone: 07590847662


Phone: 07590847662

Building the Champions of Tomorrow, Today!

Building the Champions of Tomorrow, Today!